Speech and Language Services

Speech disorders include:

  • Articulation disorders:
    Difficulties producing sounds in syllables
    or saying words incorrectly to the point
    that listeners can't understand what's being said.
  • Phonological disorders:
    Difficulties in speech sound patterns.
  • Fluency disorders:
    Problems such as stuttering, in which the flow
    of speech is interrupted by abnormal stoppages,
    repetitions (st-st-stuttering), or prolonging sounds
    and syllables (ssssstuttering).
  • Resonance or voice disorders:
    Problems with the pitch, volume, or quality of the
    voice that distract listeners from what's being said.
  • Motor speech disorders such as Apraxia of Speech (AOS):
    Difficulties saying what is wanted to say correctly and consistently.


Language disorders can be either receptive or expressive:

  • Receptive disorders:
    Difficulties understanding or processing language.
  • Expressive disorders:
    Difficulty putting words together, limited vocabulary,
    or inability to use language in a socially appropriate way.
  • Pragmatic/social aspects of communication:
    Difficulties using language, changing language
    and following conversational rules.


Dysphagia/oral feeding disorders:
  • These include difficulties with drooling, eating, and swallowing.


Cognitive aspects of communication:
  • Difficulties with attention, memory, problem solving
    and executive functions.